Did someone say BOWS!!!!

I have been working on getting more products into the store. And I know some of you have requested some CU bows. SO... Here you all go.... I just put 4 new CU Bow Templates into GroovyScraps... Click on any of the images below to go to the store Link
These beautiful bows are just gorgeous! Just imagine how any of these will enhance your next kit or project. In all four of these items, you get 3 RGB Grayscale Bows that you can re-color to your heart’s content. Each bow are in three shades; light, medium and dark so you can create bows within the same color scheme but in different shades. Enjoy these bows over and over again!

Package 04 bows are put together a little different. But your gonna love how versatile they are. You will use them over and over again. You get 3 RGB Grayscale Bows. The bows are in three shades; light, medium and dark. I’ve added a button that you can use or not. I have also added dots that again, you decide if you want to use or not. Talk about flexible….. Everything but the kitchen sink!

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